A voice for
herbal medicine

We share traditional, scientific and practical insights written by experienced herbalists and health experts from the world of herbal medicine and natural health

Adrenal fatigue: How chronic stress can affect us and what to do about it

Simon Mills explores how adrenal fatigue works and how herbal medicines can help.

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Burnout: An interview with nutritionist and burnout expert Charlotte Faure Green

Nutritionist and stress expert Charlotte Faure Green shares her knowledge and wisdom on burnout.

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Inflammation in acute hypersensitivities

Kevin Spelman looks at three cases of acute inflammation in hypersensitivities and their clinical...

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Cannabis: A folk remedy in Europe

The cannabis plant is extraordinarily versatile: it can be used for textiles, oil, food,...

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The role of adaptogens in prophylaxis and treatment of viral respiratory infections

Adaptogens are a class of botanicals that offer promise in the prevention and adjunctive...

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Healing the Whole

How herbs are changing the face of the world through a holistic approach to...

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Green gold: The incredible benefits of matcha

Matcha is a unique form of bright emerald green tea. Here we discuss its...

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Healthy oils: Good and bad fats

Fat can be healthy, you just have to pick the right ones. We will...

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Relaxation: Herbs that help you relax

We all need to relax sometimes. Modern living is stressful and our adrenal glands...

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The six tastes

Taste impacts what we eat, when we eat and how much we eat. Each...

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The lipid layer: Medas dhatu, health and balanced weight

Our lipid layer protects, comforts and nourishes our whole body. Here we delve into...

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An Ayurvedic perspective on arthritis

The seasonal change that takes place moving from the heat of summer to the...

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