A voice for
herbal medicine

We share traditional, scientific and practical insights written by experienced herbalists and health experts from the world of herbal medicine and natural health

Discover the power of the wild with FairWild

As 60ā€“90% of medicinal plants in trade are wild-harvested, sustainable sourcing is vital to...

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The sustainability of devilā€™s claw

As devilā€™s claw grows in global popularity for its medicinal virtues, is this herbā€™s...

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The sustainability of pau dā€™arco

Ann Armbrecht shares insights into the use, conservation, and harvest of pau dā€™arco, its...

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Chinese herb sustainability: Who is responsible?

Sustainability of herbal medicines and supply chains are very complex topics and issues vary...

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The relevance of traditional ecological knowledge for modern herbal medicine

Indigenous people hold valuable wisdom when it comes to managing their natural environment. We...

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Herb species sustainability guide

This Sustainability Guide uses a ā€˜traffic-lightā€™ designation of Green-Amber-Red.Ā It is intended as a helpful...

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Sustainable practices: An easy slippery elm sustainable harvest guide

There are no published studies to help guide ā€˜sustainableā€™ harvests for slippery elm. Here...

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Slippery elm sustainability: What practitioners and consumers should know

Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) is one of the most well-known, and widely used, medicinal...

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Soil health and human health

Healthy soil is alive, teaming with bacteria, fungi, insects and all sorts of life....

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The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES): Safeguarding wildlife for a sustainable future

CITES is an international treaty that serves to protect endangered species. This article shares...

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Growing in the city: How to do it and why we should

It is a common misconception that it is almost impossible to grow food and...

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Making sense of sustainable agriculture

There are many different ways that we can grow food and herbs more sustainably,...

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How to make your own compost

Composting is good for the planet, free, easy and gives you high quality compost...

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The sustainability of echinacea within herbal medicine

Echinacea is one of the most popular herbal medicines, but its popularity has come...

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The sustainability of liquorice

Liquorice is one of the most valued herbal medicines globally, yet its population sizes...

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Herbalists and sustainability: Letā€™s work together

The Herbal Alliance has the aim of promoting and supporting herbal medicine and herbalists....

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Regenerative farming vs organic farming

Regenerative agriculture is the new buzz-word in sustainability circles and beyond but whatā€™s it...

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Growing food for systems change: Can it change the world?

Can growing food really help face the waves of crises we face today? We...

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Is using herbal medicine for health political?

We explore a harmonised approach to human, economic and ecological health. Find out here...

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The WildCheck Platform: In pursuit of responsibly sourced medicinal wild plants

Wild harvested plants are the ingredients to many different products across many different industries....

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Crap food leads to crap health: Why do we put up with it?

We know that good quality, nutritious food optimises health and prevents disease but we...

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Extinction threats and CITES protection: Rhodiola as a case study

Many medicinal plants are under threat because of overharvesting, for example the popular Rhodiola....

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Nature Deficit Disorder: What is it and what can we do about it?

Humans are a part of nature. Unfortunately in modern life many of us are...

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Can GP practices become hubs for transition?

People are supposed to live in a community, connection is fundamental for so many...

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Forest Schools and how they can help support the planet

Forest schools are not only wonderful for childrenā€™s wellbeing and learning, but they could...

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Forest School and childrenā€™s wellbeing

Forest school nurtures children and allows them to live in harmony with nature. It...

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Should I self treat at home or consult a herbalist?

Herbal self-care is a life skill we believe everyone should have. However sometimes seeing...

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Essential oils and sustainability: Challenges, opportunities, solutions

Essential oils are brilliant medicines, but problems in industry mean that they are not...

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How climate change is affecting medicinal plants: A phenological, physiological and phytochemical analysis

Climate change is having a dramatic effect not only on plant harvesting times, but...

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A beginnerā€™s guide to growing medicinal herbs

Growing herbal medicines is a very enriching practise, which supports our wellbeing in its...

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Goldenseal: Sustainability status

Susan Leopold explores what can be done to ensure Goldenseal's sustainable supply in future.

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Herbal quality and safety: What to know before you buy

We explore what to look out for when buying good and safe herbal products.

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Is there hope after Cop26?

Herbalist Sebastian Pole explores how we, as herbal organisations, suppliers and herbalists, can stand...

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Toward a sustainable future for frankincense: An ancient medicine in a modern world

Dr. Anjanette DeCarlo and Stephen Johnson explore the many changes the sustainable trade in...

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A brief history of herbal quality assessment: From ancient Rome to 21st century mitochondria

Quality control has been an issue for as long as humans have used herbs...

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Kava: Mythical origins and epic coevolution

Origin Myths from various cultures and religions are fascinating examples of oral tradition. Bill...

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Aphrodisiac plants used in Ayurveda: Complex formulas, ancient and modern

Matthew Clark takes a historical glimpse at plants and formulations used in Ayurveda as...

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Endangered plants and women’s health: Fertility herbs at risk

Susan Leopold, Executive Director at United Plant Savers, discusses why plants used for women's...

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Environmental sustainability of medicinal plants

Roy Upton explores how traditional healing systems have developed in developing countries compared to...

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First do no harm: A call for sustainable herbalism in clinical practice

Josef Brinckmann explores what it takes to make a herbal medicine practice part of...

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The Jade Screen Project

The Jade Screen Project (JSP) offers immune-enhancing and anti-viral herbal formulae for front line...

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Do you know where your herbs come from?

Do you know how herbs for herbal medicine are harvested and by whom? Paying...

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Healing the Whole

How herbs are changing the face of the world through a holistic approach to...

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The story of life: People, plants and planet

However hard we might try not to be; we are all interconnected. Each living...

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Plants: Love ā€™em or loathe ā€™em, we canā€™t live without ’em!

Plant foods, herbs and spices, are all about information. Our bodies use the information...

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Fair for plants as well as people

Pat Thomas discusses how we can meet the ever-increasing demand for herbal medicines in...

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