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I love that herbalism connects humans with the wider nature, which we are ultimately a part of.
- Helen Barnett, Herbalist

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🩸An insight into the world of haematology🩸⁠
There are essentially three groups of things in a full blood count; red cells, white cells, and platelets. Each one can be measured in different ways to reveal a surprising amount of information about health, illness and wellbeing.⁠
Learn about the typical components of a full blood count and some perspectives on what they might signify.⁠
🔗Read the full article via the link in bio
Schisandra is native to eastern Asian forests, sharing its home with animals facing population threats. Josef Brinckmann shares insight on the harvest and trade of schisandra species and initiatives that protect endangered forest inhabitants across China and Russia.⁠
🔗Discover more via the link in bio

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