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I love that herbalism connects humans with the wider nature, which we are ultimately a part of.
- Helen Barnett, Herbalist

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🌿 Demulcents are soothing mucilaginous and silky herbs that can be taken internally to soothe and protect damaged or inflamed tissue. Examples include Slippery elm bark (Ulmus rubra), Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis) and Limeflower (Tilia cordata).⁠
👉 Find all the demulcent herbs on our website. Link in bio. ⁠
#demulcent #inflammation
💛 Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) is a wonderful ingredient to include in a soothing gel for veins (see recipe on our website) as its tannins tighten up skin cell layers and the superficial vascular structures when applied to the skin. ⁠
💫 Read about its other benefits and uses on our website: link in bio.
💛 Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) is native to North America, Canada and Mexico and propagted throughout Europe and the UK. It's bark, twigs and leaves are used in infusions, decoctions and tinctures.⁠
It is mainly used externally for inflamed skin conditions, local oedema or to tighten the veins (e.g. varicose veins), for eyes when they are sore, tired or to treat conjunctivitis...⁠
💫 Read about its other benefits and uses on our website. Link in bio.⁠
🌿 Cheap herbs for your herb kit by Sophia Goard⁠
Herbalism can be super cheap (or free!). This article from a clinical herbalist shares top tips on affordable healthcare.⁠
🔗 Link in bio.

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