How does it feel?
Liquorice comes in several forms. Perhaps the easiest to try are the liquorice sticks found in natural health stores. Chew one of these and the sweetness comes through straightaway, with slight hints of bitterness following behind and a finish that leads to more salivation. To accentuate these nuanced tastes one needs to try a more concentrated extract, when the sour salivary after-reaction is more pronounced.
Clearly, it is the sweetness of liquorice which dominates its properties, ensuring that it is the most widely used ingredient in herbal mixtures around the world. As well as making the tastes of other herbs more acceptable (especially for children), those who have experienced this mix agree that liquorice harmonises the combined effects of other ingredients in the blend.
What can I use it for?
Liquorice is most often used in home remedies to make other herbs more palatable, especially when given to children. All medicine traditions agreed that its harmonising role was much more extensive than this and it is possibly the most widely used ingredient of folk remedies in the world.
The most common specific uses of liquorice are for immediate relief of coughs, sore throats and for upset stomach and digestion. Other uses cited here may involve a more strategic approach as symptom changes are often slower to show.
Into the heart of liquorice
Liquorice is emollient, demulcent and nutritive. It naturally produces mucilage which soothes inflamed mucous membranes throughout the body, with a particular affinity for the respiratory tract, digestion and urinary system. It encourages a healthy inflammation response and, through coating hot and irritated membranes, allows time for damaged cells to regenerate and repair effectively.
It strengthens and supports the nervous system and adrenal glands through the production of constituents that mimic those found in the adrenal cortex. It will modify the body’s own stress response to prevent the onset of adrenal exhaustion and impart a tonifying effect through the body.
It is also an effective hepatoprotective, supporting the regeneration and repair of damaged liver cells, particularly in chronic conditions such as cirrhosis and hepatitis.
Traditional uses
It is remarkable that many of the recorded uses from different world regions over the ages are consistent, and often supported by scientific research. Reference to treatment of conditions including laryngitis, pharyngitis, cough, peptic ulcer and hepatitis are common to European, Indian and Chinese traditions.
Liquorice sticks are very widely used around the world as toothbrushes, a reputation backed by modern evidence for a benefit against tooth decay and gum problems.
In European history liquorice, often as extracts, is used to sweeten and harmonise the impact of herbal mixtures, and on its own as a cough and throat remedy, for stomach problems, and consistently as a convalescent tonic
Liquorice is probably the most commonly used herb in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and is included in the majority of formulae: it is said to tonify the Spleen (roughly translated as the wider digestive and assimilative functions in the body), clears Heat and detoxifies Fire Poison (sore throat, boils), moistens the Lungs, stops coughing and soothes spasm. Some of the indications reported in early Chinese texts are common to European usage, such as cough, pharyngitis, gastric pain, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract and sores. However, the Chinese also used liquorice as a detoxifying agent for poisoning by drugs or food, a use also found in Ayurveda.
Other Ayurvedic uses of liquorice include viral respiratory infections, asthma, bronchitis, throat infection, eye irritation, ulcers (peptic, oral), acute and chronic liver disease, constipation, painful urination, catarrh of the genitourinary tract, wound infection, arthritis and as a rejuvenative tonic. Liquorice is most commonly used in TCM and Ayurveda to strengthen and harmonise herbal formulae.
Traditional actions
Herbal actions describe therapeutic changes that occur in the body in response to taking a herb. These actions are used to express how a herb physiologically influences cells, tissues, organs or systems. Clinical observations are traditionally what have defined these actions: an increase in urine output, diuretic; improved wound healing, vulnerary; or a reduction in fever, antipyretic. These descriptors too have become a means to group herbs by their effects on the body — herbs with a nervine action have become the nervines, herbs with a bitter action are the bitters. Recognising herbs as members of these groups provides a preliminary familiarity with their mechanisms from which to then develop an understanding of their affinities and nuance and discern their clinical significance.
Ayurvedic actions
Traditional energetic actions
Herbal energetics are the descriptions Herbalists have given to plants, mushrooms, lichens, foods, and some minerals based on the direct experience of how they taste, feel, and work in the body. All traditional health systems use these principles to explain how the environment we live in and absorb, impacts our health. Find out more about traditional energetic actions in our article “An introduction to herbal energetics“.
Ayurvedic energetics
Chinese energetics
What practitioners say
Respiratory system
Liquorice appears to loosen mucus so use with dry coughs with scanty or stuck phlegm, sore throat, laryngitis and tonsillitis. It is specific for aggravated, dry coughing. It is also useful in infections with yellow/green sputum and at a higher dose it is a more stimulating expectorant to clear mucus.
It is specific for gastritis, ulcers and all intestinal inflammations and spasms with pain. It is very useful in hyperacidity and is often used for arresting bleeding in the intestines and lungs. Its demulcent nature moistens and relaxes the bowel and is helpful in drying constipation. At low dose it is anti-emetic (if nausea is caused by heat) and in high doses it can be more stimulating.
There is a significant hepatoprotective action, reducing inflammation in hepatitis and chronic liver disease.
Steroidal responses
Containing steroidal saponins liquorice appears to be an adrenal and reproductive tonic, and there are records of its being used in Addison’s disease as an adrenal supplement. This activity may account for the use of liquorice in exhausted and hyperactive conditions such as ME and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Liquorice soothes painful, burning symptoms of cystitis.
It is a useful soothing external application for the itching of dry skin. Its inflammatory-reducing effects are commonly employed to treat red, hot, inflamed skin disorders.
There is a large body of research on liquorice including a number of clinical trials. The main areas of clinical investigation on liquorice include supporting healthy liver function (1,2), weight reduction (3), treating sore throats (4), effects on steroid metabolism in women (5), antiviral activity and chronic viral hepatitis treatment. Research also points towards benefit in managing arthritis (6).
In previous decades there was much research interest in the role of a preparation of liquorice (Caved-S) in the treatment of peptic (gastric or duodenal) ulcers, with encouraging results. In medical practice this treatment has been eclipsed by standard H2-blockers like omeprazole or cimetidine. A more recent study has demonstrated that adding it to other treatments helps control the main infective cause of peptic ulcers, Helicobacter pylori (7).
Did you know?
The liquorice constituent glycyrrhizin is 50 times sweeter than sucrose.
Additional information
Botanical description
Liquorice is native to Eurasia, northern Africa and Western Asia, but is now commonly cultivated due to its use in the production of liquorice-based sweets. It belongs to the pea and bean family, so will grow best in soils with a high nitrogen content. Its natural habitat is dry, open scrubland and damp habitats close to water sources. It is a perennial herb with underground rhizomes, characteristic of the Fabaceae family.
The stems are downy and upright, growing to about 1.5m in height. The stolons and long rootlets emerge from a thick rhizome of dark, reddish- or greyish-brown colour externally, while yellowish inside. The leaves are a dark green and arranged in pairs (pinnate) along the stem. The flowers spring from the axils of the leaves and are a light blue or pale violet, very similar in appearance to those of the sweet pea.
Alternate botanical names:
- Glycyrrhiza glandulifera
- G. hirsuta
- G. officinalis
- G. violacea
- G. viscosa
- Liquiritae officinalis
- Liquiritia officinalis
- In China, Glycyrrhiza uralensis is used
Common names
- Sweet root
- Sweetwood
- Black sugar (Eng)
- Süssholzwurzel (Ger)
- Lakritzenwurzel (Ger)
- Réglisse (Fr)
- Bois doux (Fr)
- Liquirizia (Ital)
- Regolizia (Ital)
- Regalíz (Sp)
- Orozuz (Sp)
- Jethimadh (Hindi)
- Mulhathi (Hindi)
- Madhuuka (Sanskrit)
- Yastimadhu (Sanskrit)
- Gan cao (Chin)
Moderate liquorice consumption is likely to be safe for the vast majority of people. Regular high levels of liquorice consumption, especially in the form of liquorice candy, have been associated with raised blood pressure. The best calculation is that regular intake of 12 g per day over a long period could cause such a problem.
Similar concerns have been raised in relation to regular high doses taken during pregnancy and this should be avoided, especially if there is associated high blood pressure.
Liquorice may interact with corticosteroids and certain types of (potassium-depleting) diuretics and laxatives and again if these are being prescribed it will be wise to keep any regular consumption at low levels and check with your prescriber. Long-term regular use of high doses may not be wise if you have osteoporosis.
1.5–5 g of liquorice root
Plant parts used
- Triterpenoid saponins including 2–6% glycyrrhizin, present in the form of potassium and calcium salts. The aglycone derivative of glycyrrhizin (GL) is glycyrrhetinic acid (GA), and is also present as such in the root at between 0.5–0.9%.
- Flavonoids flavanones, mainly liquiritin, chalcones and isoflavonoids
- Sterols

A ‘cup of love’ tea
A blend of flowers bringing you some of nature’s finest love. Drink to soothe a broken heart or feed you when you just want a sip of love.
- Chamomile flower 3 g
- Limeflower 2 g
- Marigold (calendula) petal 2 g
- Rose flower 1 g
- Lavender flower 1 g
- Licorice root 1 g
This will serve 3 cups of love.
- Put all of the ingredients in a pot.
- Add 500 ml/18 fl oz freshly boiled filtered water.
- Leave to steep for 10–15 minutes, then strain and let the love flow.
I love my liver tea
Our liver takes the brunt of the grunt work for metabolising wastes, so use this tea when you feel sluggish, your digestion is poor or you feel that you need a detox.
Dandelion root 4 g
Schisandra berries 3 g
Dandelion leaf 2 g
Fennel seed 2 g
Turmeric root powder 1 g
Rosemary leaf 1 g
Liquorice root 1 gThis will serve 2–3 cups of liver-loving tea.
- Put all of the ingredients in a pot. Add 500 ml/18 fl oz freshly boiled filtered water.
- Leave to steep for 10–15 minutes, then strain.
Aphrodite’s aphrodisiac tea
This tea reaches deep into the reproductive system, nourishing our procreative and sexual energy. Use it when preparing for a family or for nurturing your love life. For men and women, this elixir feeds sex hormone release, improves egg/sperm quality and enhances orgasmic experiences.
- Shatavari root 4 g
- Ashwagandha root 2 g
- Liquorice root 2 g
- Cinnamon bark 2 g
- Milk (any type) 250 ml (9 fl oz)
- Damiana leaf 2 g
- Cacao powder 1 tsp per cup
- Maca root 1 tsp per cup
- Flower pollen ½ tsp per cup
- Vanilla essence a dash per cup
- Honey (or Amaretto) a drop per cup
Makes two cups of the most amorous elixir.
- Put the shatavari, ashwagandha, liquorice and cinnamon in a saucepan with the milk and 250 ml/9 fl oz cold filtered water.
- Cover, bring to the boil and allow to simmer for 15 minutes. Take off the heat and add the damiana leaf.
- Leave to steep for 10 minutes, then strain.
- To each cup, add the cacao, maca, flower pollen, vanilla essence and honey. Then top with the tea and stir.
Recipes from Cleanse, Nurture, Restore by Sebastian Pole
- Chigurupati H, Auddy B, Biyani M, Stohs SJ. (2016) Hepatoprotective Effects of a Proprietary Glycyrrhizin Product during Alcohol Consumption: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study. Phytother Res. 30(12): 1943–1953
- Hajiaghamohammadi AA, Ziaee A, Samimi R. (2012) The efficacy of licorice root extract in decreasing transaminase activities in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Phytother Res. 26(9): 1381–1384
- Luís Â, Domingues F, Pereira L. (2018) Metabolic changes after licorice consumption: A systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis of clinical trials. Phytomedicine. 39: 17–24
- Kuriyama A, Maeda H. (2019) Topical application of licorice for prevention of postoperative sore throat in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Anesth. 54: 25–32
- Armanini D, Mattarello MJ, Fiore C, et al. (2004) Licorice reduces serum testosterone in healthy women. Steroids. 69(11-12): 763–766
- Huang QC, Wang MJ, Chen XM, et al. (2016) Can active components of licorice, glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid, lick rheumatoid arthritis?. Oncotarget. 7(2): 1193–1202
- Hajiaghamohammadi AA, Zargar A, Oveisi S, et al (2016). To evaluate of the effect of adding licorice to the standard treatment regimen of Helicobacter pylori. Braz J Infect Dis. 20(6): 534–538